Thursday, February 7, 2008


OK, after 9 months, the lightbulb finally flashed on. Our camcorder says it needs firewire to upload the videos, which we don't have. So, after months of annoyance and frustration, I have a solution. Actually, my printer hit me over the head with the fact that it has a cardreader, then hit me again with the fact that it will upload video in addition to still images. Da-da-da-da! Here is Jackson's first YouTube broadcast. FYI, if you want to search for him in the future (and for my own personal reference) the codename is ActionJacksonD. OK, enjoy.

ps. My apologies for the way the clip sort of falls apart at the end, what with the discovery of a giant hairball and all. Guess I need to vacuum and to acquire some good video editing software--I'm open to suggestions.

pps. YouTube uploads take for freakin-ever!! I know this is instantaneous for you, the viewer, but for me, the writer, time is ticking away.

Please work...Please work...Please work


  1. Hi Sheree,
    That video is so cute! I bet your mom loves watching it. =D Don't worry about the hariball incident, it just makes it more "real-life". Love your comment about the lint-roller. haha

  2. Jackson is so cute. I like the way he talks. Way to go on figuring out how to post a video.

  3. Hi, it's me, anonymous Nicole. This is my favorite movie ever =) I'm going to have to check in more often for the sequel.
